Toastmasters READY TO WEAR STOCK red tailcoat specialist and custom made tailors since1950.
Recognised as recommended outfitter toToastmasters, Masters of Ceremonies and Lady Toastmasters.
Reasonably priced high quality garments enabeling our clients are dressed to acquire prestige work.
We do not have a webshop as we give personal service to each order discusssed or placed via phone
07958 708 380 or email
CLOSED 1 WEEK Payments BACS, debit / credit card, cheque and cash
MAIL ORDER prompt dispatch including overnight delivery
CUSTOM-MADE SERVICE tailcoats, suits and shirts.
Formal tailors for Royal Golf Club Captains.Town Criers, Freemasons, Celebrants, H.M.Government and Courts, Judges, Barristers, Solicitors, City Livery Companies, Clergy and City Bankers.
For appointments and orders, or if your size is not listed, call 07958 708380 or email
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